Walkabout & Coffee Morning 21 October 2023

Following our recent, successful, ‘Report it’ walkabout, SERA has arranged another session, this time in conjunction with a coffee morning.


9.30 a.m. meet corner Dunbar Ave/Ederline Ave
Walkabout of the SERA area to report issues such as flytipping, potholes, dangerously overhanging branches, illegally parked cars etc.

We will be reporting issues via the Love Clean Streets app but you don’t need to be tech savy nor own a smartphone to get involved!

10.30 a.m.—Noon
Retire to the tennis club, r/o 55 Ederline Ave for feedback and socialising over a cuppa.

Free entry. All welcome and a chance to meet your neighbours. (You don’t need to have taken part in the walkabout to join us!)